Administration of estates of deceaced persons

We are a law office with +90 years’ experience in administering estates of deceased persons.

For more than 25 years, Finn Schwarz has been appointed administrator by the probate court and is now a licensed administrator before the probate courts of the Court of Frederiksberg and the Court of Lyngby. Paralegals Kristine Rosenvinge and Loni Rée also have more than 25 years’ experience within administration of estates of deceased persons.

Our legal services are characterised by the following:

  • We have many years’ experience and are therefore systematic and swift

  • We are objective and impartial in our administration

  • We apply and expect an objective tone

  • We go to the heart of the matter

  • We ensure that all parties are heard, and that there is transparency in our administration

  • We are easy to get hold of and swift to respond

  • We ensure progress in the case

  • Our fees are based on the Code of Conduct for the Danish Bar and Law Society on fees and are for administration of estates of deceased persons subject to approval by the probate courts.

Contact details

Toftebæksvej 21, st. 9
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby

Main telephone number: +45 537 007 24

Telephone hours
Monday-Thursday: 9.00-15.00.
Friday 9.00-14.00

Attorney Finn Schwarz may be contacted by phone: +45 538 407 24
or by e-mail: